A month in bullet points

Saturday 24 October 2015

I can’t believe it has already been a month that I’ve been living here. Time flies by that's for sure! It’s surprising how much has happened; the people I’ve met, the places I’ve visited and well the “studying” I’ve done. Rather than bore you with the ins and outs of what has been going on I thought it would be easier for me to condense what has gone on into bullet points. So here we go:

  • Have been lost in the city everyday for the past 4 weeks!
  • Cried when I eventually stepped through the Ikea doors, I mean I love Ikea but this was more a relief of actually finding the store after 4 hours of being lost in the pouring rain.
  • Officially started NABA Milano, as a fully enrolled Graphic Design student.
  • Have had many awkward occasions involving sign language in order to be understood.
  • Had a really flattering photo of myself done in a train station in order to get my transport card - embarrassing doesn’t even begin to cover it!
  • Stumbled across Duomo, it’s kind of hard to miss.
  • Have bought way too many clothes and shoes already.
  • Eaten way too much pizza and pasta, but I guess this is to be expected.

I think this pretty much sums up my first month in Milan. Home sweet home!

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