Opportunities don’t come with rules!

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Benvenuto and welcome to Milan! Finally, after months of planning, I’ve made the move from Cornwall, to the fashion capital that is Milan. Despite it only being for 6 months, I’ve still managed to justify bringing with me 99% of everything I own, which trust me was difficult to manoeuvre. This summer I found out that I would get the opportunity to study abroad at the Graphic Design University that is known as NABA Milano, and without hesitation, or budgeting, I said yes. There was absolutely no way I was going to turn an opportunity like this down, you’d have to be crazy. It’s been just over a month now, so I though it was about time that I updated my blog and actually wrote some content. 

What better place to do it than in Milan? So here it goes… a new chapter!

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