When travelling becomes addictive ....

Wednesday 13 April 2016

You go travelling and everyone says “oh you won’t want to come home”, but what they always forget to tell you is that they're not kidding. This is exactly what happens every single time! First France, then Italy and now Portugal. It’s safe to say I’m a danger to myself when it comes to this travelling malarky. It’s a good job I always book a return flight home otherwise who knows where I would end up. 

The funny thing is that this blog originally started as a fashion blog, and then turned into a fashion and lifestyle blog because I couldn't stop myself sharing the hilarious stories that just seemed to keep happening to me and now that I’ve got the travelling bug I’ve thrown a bit of that is as well, so for the moment basically anything goes. Limiting what I write about to just one thing isn’t very fun so lets see where this new blog takes me. 

For the moment my feet are stuck firmly to the ground, but I wonder how long that will last?

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